IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS is a compelling drama with humor and heart that explores the
power of FORGIVENESS and FAITH, when we are faced with challenges in life,
whether it's with relationships, friendships, marriages, family, careers,
parenting and every other aspect of our lives. Two families, the Willis'
and the Bradleys, one has a strong relationship with God and one does
not. One family is financially stable and the other is wealthy.
Both families have dreams and aspirations. Jake and Teri Willis are happily
married with two children, Jason, a high school junior in Queens, NY and Gina,
a senior at Howard University in Washington, D.C. Nick and Lena Bradley
have it all - Nick is a partner at a major law firm. He's handsome and
very successful. Lena, his wife, is an attractive, educated socialite,
who has put her career on hold for the sake of her family. They have the
dream house, wealth, and a son, Mark, who is a senior at Howard
University. But looks can be deceiving. Lena knows that her husband
has been doing more than just keeping late hours at work. Her marriage is
in trouble. Teri, on the other hand is happily married to Jake.
Their house is full of love and laughter. Teri can be over protective at
times, but she's a very nurturing mother that loves to spend time with her
family, especially during the holidays. Some of us put our faith in
material things or in others opinions of us. What is the foundation of
your relationship? From where do you draw your strength when things seem
impossible? Love, loyalty, trust and a supportive environment are
important to any relationship. These two families are confronted with the
ultimate test. One Christmas Eve, a turn of events will change the course
of these two family’s lives and catapult them in a direction they could never
have imagined. When all hope is gone, can you trust God to make a way?
My prayer for this play is that people will take a
stark look within themselves and realize that we all fall short and that we all
need forgiveness at one time or another in our lives. But greater than being forgiven is deciding
to forgive. To actually let someone off
the hook, usually to discover that it was ourselves that was on that hook. Do you have a heart that forgives? Luke 23:34, Mathew 6:12.
Can you believe God for what you have never seen? Can you believe Him to breathe life into a
dead thing so that it thrives again? Can
you believe Him for what seems completely impossible by every logical and
practical measure known to man? How
strong is your faith? Matthew 17:20,
Mark 11:24.
It is a comparison of life with and life without Jesus
Christ. My desire is to see people
changed by the realization that life is so much better when you have Jesus in
it. I read a saying once that said:
And I believe that too!
Van Dirk Fisher Founder & Artistic Director Riant Theatre |
Nejla K. Hubbard Playwright |
The Impossible Becomes Possible
could write an endless list of prerequisites that are needed to witness the
great things of God. But the truth is
that God requires very little of us in order to see the impossible become
possible. The one simple, but major,
ingredient is faith! Not even
a whole lot of it. The Bible says, all
you need is the faith like a grain of mustard seed and you can move
mountains. Sounds impossible, doesn’t
it? Well, I believe it! Not just because I’ve seen it for myself,
but because there is so much supporting evidence of it in the Word of God.
He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if
you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain,
move from here to there, and it will move and nothing will be impossible for
you.” ~ Matthew 17:20 ESV
Mark 11:24 reminds us that if we believe we have it,
while we are yet praying for it, God will grant it, because of our faith. This is so true. Years ago, when my parents were babes in
Christ, my mother mentioned that she really wished she could buy a new car,
but her credit was so bad. She had never owned a brand new car in her life. I took
her to the kitchen window and told her to stare out at her empty driveway. I told her that I needed her to act as if a
brand new car had just fallen out of the sky and landed in her driveway with
the keys in the ignition, title in her name and a tank full of gas. I asked, “Can you see it?” After a few minutes, she said excitedly,
“Yes, I can see it!” I said, okay then,
let’s thank God for it! So we started jumping
up and down, shouting and praising God for the gift that was in her driveway,
as though it had already manifested. Four days later, she drove up to my house in
her brand new white Ford. The dealer
told her that although her credit was not great, that he was going to let her
have the car anyway. He said he didn’t
know why, but that he wanted to help her.
Isn’t God Awesome? She told me that
the only thing we had not prayed for was a particular color, that was why the
car was white.
For this reason I am telling you, whatever you
ask for in prayer, believe (trust and be confident) that it is granted to you,
and you will (get it). Mark 11:24 AMP
If we can
believe God for what we have never seen, He will blow our minds every
time. Believe Him for the impossible and
watch Him make it possible.
We hope that you will subscribe to our blog and share it with your friends. Every week we will share Scriptures that relate to the play and we hope that it will be a blessing to you and that you will see IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS this summer when it opens at the Theatre at St. Clement's, 423 West 46th Street, in Manhattan, between 9th & 10th Avenues. For tickets please email us at RiantTheatre@gmail.com or SisterNej@yahoo.com.
Grace and
Nejla K.
Hubbard, Playwright
Van Dirk Fisher, Director
Performance Schedule for IN
Saturday, July 16th at 8pm Opening Night, Reception at 7pm
Wednesday, July 20th at 2pm
Saturday, July 23rd at 4pm and 8pm
Wednesday, July 27th at 2pm and 8pm
Friday, July 29th at 8pm
Saturday, July 30th at 1pm and 5pm
Sunday, July 31st at 3pm
Tickets are $50 before March 1st.
Tickets are $55 during the month of
Tickets are $60 beginning April 1st.
To buy Tickets to see this new Christian play by Nejla K. Hubbard & Directed by Van Dirk Fisher CLICK HERE.
The Theatre at St. Clement's
423 West 46th St, NYC
July 16th - July 31, 2016
#inmysteriousways2016, #RiantTheatre, #StrawberryOneActFestival, #StrawberryTheatreFestival, #TheatreAtStClements #July16thThroughJuly31st2016, #HowTheImpossibleBecomesPossible #ANewChristianPlay #NYCStrawberryOneActFesetival #NewYorkCityTheater