Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my
prayer. From the end of the earth will I
cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher
than I. Psalm 61:1-2 KJV
As a young Christian, I didn’t understand what was
meant when Jesus was referred to as a “Rock”.
However, through studies and my personal relationship with Him, I began
to realize that this referenced Him as a solid foundation. He is a strong substance on which to
build. An impenetrable fortress in which
to hide. Once you have built on
something as strong, sure and reliable as the word of God, you can withstand
any storm, any trial or anything that desires to shake your very core. Not only will He allow you to stand ON Him,
He will further invite you to stand IN Him!
Think about the song lyrics “Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide
myself in thee.” Imagine, when we are so
overwhelmed, afraid, worried, lost, hurt or under attack, our God, our
Protector, our Rock would actually carve a cleft in Himself, and allow us to
slide right into that perfect hiding place and be protected from all
assaults! The Rock of our Salvation will
not only protect us in the moment, He will save us for all eternity, if we
simply ask and believe. Praise be the
name of the Lord!

Performance Schedule for IN
A New Christian Play by Nejla K. Hubbard
Directed by Van Dirk Fisher
Directed by Van Dirk Fisher
Saturday, July 16th at 8pm Opening Night, Reception at 7pm
Wednesday, July 20th at 2pm
Saturday, July 23rd at 4pm and 8pm
Wednesday, July 27th at 2pm and 8pm
Friday, July 29th at 8pm
Saturday, July 30th at 1pm and 5pm
Sunday, July 31st at 3pm
Tickets are $55 during the month of
And $60 beginning April 1st.
To buy Tickets to see this new Christian play by Nejla K. Hubbard
Directed By
Van Dirk Fisher CLICK HERE.
Directed By
Van Dirk Fisher CLICK HERE.
The Theatre at
St. Clement's
423 West 46th St, NYC
July 16th - July 31, 2016
St. Clement's
423 West 46th St, NYC
July 16th - July 31, 2016
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